Ways To Achieve Zero Defects In Performance
How can you make sure that you get straight A’s or HD’s in an examination? Well, the logic is simple. First you need to keep the assumption that I’m talking about a person who has enough capacity to work around different subjects with a little bit of effort. There are people who can be extremely good at one subject and not as good in another but continuing with the assumption I previously stated, we could say that in order to achieve straight A’s, the person will have to study the material properly, do some good amount of revision and also pay good attention at lectures to be able to grab key points of the session. Those are some of the simple steps one can follow to be successful at an examination.
Then looking at a company scenario, we can see that companies try executing different methods or strategies to ensure they achieve the mark of zero defects. It’s not easy keeping it to zero when the output of production or offering is in thousands and there will still be a probability of a one percent failure but the companies who thrive to achieve this mark are those who try to keep it at its minimum phase. They do different workplace well-being workshops and seminars to give the positive influence to employees to be free minded and committed towards the work that they do. It’s very important to have a staff that can work to their maximum capacity to achieve the organizational goals.
One of the first or main things to do when trying to achieve zero defects is to encourage employees by establishing quality circles, quality audits with performance appraisals and also workplace well being programs. Other than that what a company can do is to give rewards for achieving greater standards in the output that they do. When everyone will be individually supervised and given rewards, they will feel more committed into working better. When people make mistakes, it takes rework time as well so it should always be encouraged to them to reduce the amount of rework that they have to do as it takes time off their workable billable hours.
The performance of a company doesn’t depend only on the kind of financials, assets or the management that they have but it’s mostly in the hands of the employees who execute these amazing decisions taken to the best of their ability to achieve better. Zero defects is one great principle that most companies follow today and it starts at the first phase of training your employees to deliver well.